Posts Tagged ‘Los Angeles’

Focus on Next Ministers Roundtable on Medical Tourism

June 17, 2010

The huge 3rd World Medical Tourism and Global Healthcare Congress is getting closer, and more information about the event is released almost every week. The Congress will take place in Los Angeles between the 22nd and 24th of September, 2010, and is expected to draw thousands of industry professionals to the city of Angels.

One of the main events during the congress is the Ministers Roundtable on Medical Tourism. It is the second time that this particular event is held, and this year the meeting will focus on increasing the quality of healthcare throughout the world, patient safety, policy relations and collaborative roles of global agencies in fostering medical tourism development worldwide. During the private, roundtable workshop the ministers will also discuss opportunities and challenges in medical tourism.

Many players in the industry are of course interested in this discussion, and would like to attend the meeting. Sadly though, it is exclusively for Ministers and industry leaders, and not open to the public.

Renée-Marie Stephano, COO and General Councel at Medical Tourism Association, Inc.

Renée-Marie Stephano, COO and General Councel at Medical Tourism Association, Inc.

The president of the Medical Tourism Association; Renée-Marie Stephano, says: “The Ministers Roundtable is a huge step forward in the right direction as countries engaged in medical tourism are all at various stages of development. Having the leadership of the Ministers of Health and Tourism from around the world collaborating and discussing issues in order to advance medical tourism development as relates to capacity building, infrastructure development, benchmarking, sustainable development and fiscal policies is imperative as this strengthens industry-wide transparency, patient safety and healthcare quality globally. An equally important aspect of the Ministers Roundtable discussion was the economic and qualitative benefits of medical tourism to a country’s population and how medical tourism increases healthcare quality within a specific country and region.”

Truly, there is a need for these kinds of discussions, and Novasans welcomes this event and the topics mentioned below.

Find out more about the 3rd World Medical Tourism and Global Healthcare Congress here!